Streamline new library folder creation during game install.Fixed a library crash when right clicking on certain kinds of multiple selections in the game list.Removed demo banner on hero image for some things that are not demos.Added "Patch notes" and "View subscribed items" to context menu on downloads page for items for which those options are relevant.Fixed duplicate events appearing in the app detail activity feed.Fixed some errors for users whose account name was the maximum length.The Recent Friend Activity shelf has been removed.

Game counts in various places in the UI will no longer include Tools unless the Tools filter is selected in the left column.Updated Steam library folders dialog to better manage various game content installed on your drives.Allow removing empty library folders on fixed drives.Allow mounting library folders on read-only drives.Updated Steam library folder UI for easy content management across multiple drives.The storage management section in the Steam client has been replaced with a new implementation.For workshop updates, a page of subscribed items ordered by update date can be accessed by selecting "View Updated Items" from the context menu. The patch notes link will only show up on updates, not fresh installs. This will only display for games that have entered patch notes into the new event system. The "View News" button is now a "Patch Notes" link that will open an overlay to the most recent relevant patch notes for the game.The context menu for the actively downloading item now includes an option to launch the game when the download is complete and an option to suspend download throttling (if enabled) for the duration of that download.The download queue is now fully reorderable using drag and drop.This icon only appears if the update is not solely game content. Types consist of: Game Content, Downloadable Content, Workshop Content, and Shader Pre-caching. A new (i) icon next to the game's title will reveal a tooltip displaying the types of content that is included in that update.